Yacht Rental Guide

Party On A Junk Boat The Right Way (Food, Drinks, Water Activities)

Yachting In Hong Kong 2020

For those who are junk boat party experts AND those who have never even stepped foot on a boat, here are some helpful tips on how to either step up your game, or learn the ropes.

Party on a junk boat the right way this summer!

Last Sunday, June 10th, we hosted the first party of our summer junk boat party series. Our firsthand experience hosting a successful junk boat party can now be your source of advice on perfecting your own junk boat party game.

Keep reading for our pro tips!


10:30 AM – We all gathered at Central Pier No. 9, everyone’s favorite public pier, and embarked on our boat of choice, a beautiful cruiser.

After a few minutes of setup and introductions, we were on our way to Deep Water Bay. The forecast had warned of rain, but the day was luckily perfect. The sky was a clear and blissful blue, and the water sparkled like diamonds. With the wind in our hair and drinks already in our hands, we passed through Victoria Harbour, transfixed by the amazing skyline and excited for the day ahead.

💡 TIP – Make sure all your guests have access to drinks right away! There’s nothing like enjoying a cool beverage on the way out to Hong Kong’s open waters. Our party had specialty Asian alcohol onboard, such as sake, soju, and rice wine, which our guests loved! Snacks are also a must. We recommend chips and candy for those with a sweet tooth!

En Route

11:30 AM – We passed through Aberdeen Harbour and got to take in the scenic Aberdeen Fishing Village on our way to Deep Water Bay.

The journey to Deep Water Bay was made even more interesting by the beautiful views along the way. The Aberdeen Fishing Village showed a different side of Hong Kong compared to Victoria Harbour. There were rows and rows of traditional fishing boats, and weathered locals who were returning from early-morning fishing sessions. Most of us had never experienced these sights before, so people had their phones out for photo ops galore!

💡 TIP – Once your guests have had a few drinks, break out some icebreaker activities to warm people up before you get to your destination. You can also take some small, scenic detours (just let your boat crew know beforehand!) to get people talking and taking pictures. From there, new friendships will naturally emerge!

Dock & Lunch

12:30 PM – We finally made it to Deep Water Bay, just in time to dock and have a delicious Thai lunch!

Upon arriving at our beautiful destination, we docked and enjoyed an amazing Thai lunch, complete with more of the sake, soju, and rice wine we had been sipping on on the way over. The food was a colorful display of dishes ranging from fried noodles to satay skewers that really hit the spot.

💡 TIP – As soon as your boat docks, it’s time to break out the FOOD! By now, everyone is hopefully familiarizing themselves with everyone else, and the alcohol has probably given more than a few a healthy appetite. Try introducing some irresistibly crispy/salty finger foods for easier access (and to encourage people to drink more!), or some fresh fruit to complement any fruity drinks you may have onboard.

Relax & Enjoy

1:30 PM – It was finally time for us to jump into the pristine water in our many floats/inflatables, or relax and sunbathe on the boat deck!

After eating until we were about to burst, we were ready to jump in! Some of us wanted to just relax and soak in the sun rays on the deck with our refreshing drinks, while others couldn’t wait to cool off from the heat by diving into the water. We blew up some of the floats/inflatables, which included a giant flamingo, a huge pizza, a large water mat, and several noodles. Then, drinks still in hand, we hopped right in!

💡 TIP – What is the most important part of any junk boat party besides the alcohol? Water activities! Of course, there will always be some people who just want to lounge on the boat deck, but most everyone else will be in the mood to, well, party! So, make sure your guests are fully occupied. This means having drinking games, floats/inflatables, and water sports at the ready. We had a beer pong mat, complete with cups and balls, shot racks, giant floats, and water sports (think jet skis, wake boards, the whole nine yards). These activities are the meat of your event, making this the perfect opportunity to make your party truly memorable! Also, remind your guests to put on sunblock; there’s nothing like a nasty sunburn to sober you up.

Journey Back

4:30 PM – After a whole afternoon of soaking in the sun rays, we were satisfied and ready to head back to Central.

By late afternoon, most of us were feeling the after-effects of the alcohol, meaning we were all pretty relaxed and drowsy. The boat owners kindly brought in all of our gear, and we set out on our trip back home.

💡 TIP – Have bottled water at the ready, as your guests will likely now be feeling the effects of both the alcohol and the sun. Remind people to take their last few pictures, and then head out!

Finally Home

5:30 PM – We finally made it back. It was a long but awesome day with Yacht Holimood!

💡 TIP – Be sure to thank everyone for coming, and don’t forget to thank your boat crew as well for all of their hard work and patience. Encourage everyone to clean up after themselves, and maybe prepare a small parting gift, even if it’s just your contact info/social media handles to exchange pictures later. Congratulations on a fun day and a successful junk boat party!

If you still have questions, or would like help hosting your own junk boat party this summer, check out our boat rental platform HERE.

We have lots of all-inclusive packages and friendly staff!

Also, we have several more parties planned for the coming months, and YOU are invited…

…click HERE for all the details!

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