We might not realize it here in Asia but sailing is actually very common in western countries such as France, Netherlands, Australia. There can be many kinds and purposes of sailing: sports, competition, cruising. Nevertheless, it can be one of the most exciting thing to do. We will talk about why people enjoying sailing below but if you want to go straight to the available sailing boats in Hong Kong, click here. So, why do people sail? A short list of reasons include:
- It is a good way to wind down
- It can be adventurous
- It helps build relationship and teamwork
- It helps you to be trained physically, mentally and spiritually
- It connects you with the nature

1. Sailing is a good way to wind down
Living in such a busy time like this, we all need a break from time to time to rest and recharge. Imagine spending a day or few on the sea, putting away all the stresses of life, isn’t that what everyone desires to enjoy? No busy schedule, no emergency phone calls, no long hour meetings; just sea breeze and sunset. In fact, this might be what it feels like for achieving “work-life” balance.
2. It can be adventurous
If you imagine sailing as something that is glamorous and only suitable for white collar, then you have a wrong perception of sailing. When the wind is calmer, then you are able to enjoy smooth sailing. However, you need to be prepared for a”man vs nature” competition as you battle the wind. If you are an adventurous person, this will be suitable for you.

3. Sailing helps build relationship and teamwork
Want to get a bunch of people to develop stronger relationship or teamwork? there is no better way than throwing them on a sailboat. From attaching the sail, to balancing the boat and navigating the turning wheel, in order to sail forward, sailors will be “forced” to work together. Likewise, you will be able to build teamwork that is required in the workplace from sailing.
4. Sailing helps train you physically, mentally and spiritually
Sailing a boat require determination and it can get challenging. You are not afforded with the chance of giving up because your life is on the line! Sailing put someone in a challenging situation and help train one’s mental toughness. It is very common to feel exhausted after one day of sailing because it is physically demanding. However, we all need some challenge in our daily life, so why not do it in a fun way?
5. It connects you with the nature

Imagine the sound of motor turning on by your instructor near the harbor and you slowly sail towards the sea. After around 20 minutes or so, the sound of motor turned off, and now all you can hear is the sound of the water lapping on the boat, sea gulls. All you can see is the endless sea view and some mountains around you. There is something about being immerse in the nature that just amazes and recharge our souls!
Even though sailing is not as common in Hong Kong as of now, we definitely see the potential because we already have the yachting culture. As a yacht rental platform, Holimood has partnered with local sailboat for rental services. They allow rental for all type of purposes including operating experience, cruise/casual use, rental for competition, and even overnight experience. If reading the article stirred up curiosity in you, feel free to check up all the available sailboats for rental here on our platform.
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